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All Things New

Who does not like “new” things? I certainly do. I even do a happy dance when I go to Dollar Tree and get a set of new Rubbermaid containers. The happy part comes in when I can throw away the old stuff and replace it with the new. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could throw off the old stuff in our lives and replace it with new stuff. Well, we can.....

2 Corinthians 5: 17. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold all things are become new

Ephesians 4:22-24. “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness

Revelations 22:5. “And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold I make all things new

…..however, we usually have a hard time letting go of the old.

- Old ways of doing things

- Past mistakes or failures

- Temptation

- Grudges

- Pride

- Opinions

- Words

- Actions

and the list goes on...

We would rather drag out the old garments instead of trading it in for a new garment. It's there for the asking BUT we feel so much better when we cling to something that we have “broke in” and that has been a part of our lives for so long. GET OVER IT!!

The Lord wants to give us a fresh new anointing, a double portion, a new fire in our bones, a new outlook on life, a spiritual awakening, a cup that is running over, a song in our heart, a skip in our step, a testimony that pleases God, the wonder working power of the blood, a awesome relationship with Him, blessing from on high....need I say more?We are missing out on so much joy and peace. We sit in rags and ashes instead of seeing the beauty.

My new favorite song is “All things New”. Read the words and check out the video.

All things new by Big Daddy Weave

I've heard You can take what's broken and make it whole again Well, here's the pieces of my heart, what can You do with them? 'Cause I can't hold them all together anymore So I let them fall surrendered to the floor You make all things new You make all things new God of mercy and love Do what only You can do and make all things new Only You can bring such beauty from the depths of all my pain Only You can take this shattered heart and make it beat again Oh, You hold us all together in Your hands I surrender all I have and all I am You make all things new You make all things new God of mercy and love Do what only You can do and make all things new From the ashes, from the dust I will rise up, rise up Out of darkness into the light I will rise up, rise up From the ashes, from the dust I will rise up, rise up Out of darkness into the light I will rise up, rise up You make all things new You make all things new God of mercy and love Do what only You can do and make all things All things, You make all things new

Hope to see you soon in your new garment from the Lord.

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